Party pictures and more!

Hi friends!

The party was good, but there were only few people!

Here are the party pictures:

Dancing at the igloo:

Dancing at the igloo 2:

Dancing at the igloo 3:

Dancing at the Ice-Berg 4:

How to talk with the newspaper:

1. Go to a room like Dojo where you can see you at the side.

2. Open the Club Penguin Times newspaper, and click “We Need You”:

3. Click on the question button, and then click send. You do not need type any question:

4. Go back to the main page of the newspaper, and click the “Tab” key (Located on your keyboard above Caps Lock).

5. Type in something and click enter. Your penguin should be holding the newspaper, and talking at the same time. (Others can see this):

New items will be added to the Treasure Book tomorrow! Old one will be still there and new one will be added to it! Book:

This update will be tomorrow! Can’t wait!


Rockhopper may come to the island soon! Keep chcking the Telescope.

The Change for coins also comes with the newspaper:

Upcoming events:

New pin on:

I guess these items may repeat on this Christmas Party:

Mission 10 sneak peek:

If you did not complete your old missions till now, get the very easy guide by clicking the button below:

Waddle on and have fun!


Super rare penguin contest!

Hi friends!

I am putting one more contest today!

We will have fun! The penguin is really rare!

Picture of the penguin:

Old black toque!

The one who comment the most wins the contest! (Minimum comments you can do to be first is 550).

Ending date of the contest is 10th December, 2008.

1. No Swearing.

2. No Spamming.

3. You should put the numbers in the comments like, 1,2,3,4 and so on (One number in one comment).

Good luck! The password is hard so don’t worry!
