New login screen!

Hi penguins!

There is a new login screen on club penguin and there are like 5 diffferent screens:

Screen 1:

Screen 2:

Screen 3:

Screen 4:

Screen 5:

The options to “Create a penguin” and “Become a member” are at bottom right:

There is a different button for the “Start”:

If you are a member and click on your player, you see a “Member” batch on your player card:

Also, in your chat bar theres a member batch:


That’s all for now! 

Waddle on and have fun!

Thank – You!

7 Responses

  1. Nice Post Zeosony! I got your comment.. Yeh, I am getting more hits *Or Was* Any chance of mentioning me in a post or something?


  2. Cheers, It would be great if you did. Awesome CSS!


  3. Cool new login page,thx for the update.

  4. awesome!!!!

  5. theyre like……. completely wanting u to buy membership so they can be rich i dont like Disney its duuuuuummmmmmbbbbb D-U-M-B DUMB

  6. Oh! Everyone says like Disney sucks! Idk its ok. Neither bad nor good.

  7. They are just advertising membership either because they need money to power CP, want money, or don’t have much money from splitting 1 million to three different causes

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